To get anything of value, you have to sacrifice. Do you know the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing.Nothing that has meaning is easy!
Daglig dos
What´s in it for me?
Wise man says there´s one rule in the world, a small question that drives all success.The more man invest in that question, more powerful that man will become. What´s in it for me?
Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up! Dark Knight trilogy
Love needs actionTrust need proofSorry needs changs
2 kind
There is two kind of people, one is successful other one is distracted.That’s it.Refusing to get distracted is the power of the man!
Time or moment
Life is not measured by time it is measured by moments.
Sometimes what we are afraid of is not even Scary!
Peter Dinklage
Ever tried, ever failed, no matterTry again, fail again, fail betterThe world is yoursTreat everyone kindly and light up the night!
Detta uttrycket använder jag ofta för så är livet.. Ingen kan göra allt, men ALLA kan göra något..
Borde inte livet vara helt underbart om vi bara visste vad vi skulle göra med det???